Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Plasma Cutter Safety - Plasma Cutting Is Really As Safe As Welding - Having A Couple of Exceptions

Attention Plasma Blades! General Welding Safety factors are insufficient.

You will find a couple of reasons for plasma cutting safety that aren't the same as general welding safety tips

This narrow your search of plasma cutter safety tips is targeted toward light duty plasma cutting using compressed air not large industrial models which use gas blends and water cutting tables.

Electric Shock Can Kill

- Operating a plasma cutter completes an electrical circuit between your torch and also the work surface. The work surface and anything touching the work surface are members of the electrical circuit.

- Never touch the torch body, work surface or even the water inside a water table once the plasma product is operating.

Currents &lifier Power

- Plasma cutter output currents tend to be more than welding currents, usually 100-200 volts.

Preventive Measures

- Don't get the work surface, such as the waste cutoff, when you cut. Leave the work surface in position around the work bench using the work cable attached throughout the cutting process.

- Throughout plasma cutting procedures don't slowly move the work clamp.

Put on insulated mitts and boots, and keep yourself and clothing dry.

- Don't stand, sit or lie on or else touch any wet surface while using the plasma cutter system.

- Insulate yourself from work and ground using dry insulation mats or covers large enough to avoid any physical connection with the job or ground. Should you must operate in or near a moist area, use extreme care.

Work Cable

- Ensure metal-to-metal contact between work cable and work surface or work table.

- Work cable clamp should get in touch with clean metal free from rust, grime, colored surfaces, etc.

- Don't attach work cable towards the piece which will fall away once the cut is finished

Plasma cutter Arc Sun rays

Plasma cutter arc sun rays produce intense visible and invisible (ultraviolet and infrared) sun rays capable of burning eyes and skin.

Protective Clothing

- Guantlet mitts, safety footwear and hat.

- Flame-retardant clothing to pay for all uncovered areas.

- Cuffless pants to avoid entry of sparks and slag.

- Remove combustibles, like a butane lighter or matches, out of your pockets before cutting.

Noise Amounts of Plasma Arc Cutting

- Plasma arc cutting systems can generate noise levels more than 120 dB throughout high-amperage cutting procedures.

- Hearing protection ought to be used when operating or working near plasma arc cutting procedures.

Toxic Fumes &lifier Gases

Plasma arc cutting can establish toxic fumes and gases that deplete oxygen and cause serious injuries.

- Keep your cutting area well ventilated or make use of an approved air-provided respirator.

- Don't decline in locations near degreasing, cleaning or squirting procedures. The gases from certain chlorinated solvents decompose to create phosgene gas when uncovered to ultraviolet radiation.

Pacemakers &lifier Assistive Hearing Devices

- Pacemaker and assistive hearing device operation can have magnetic fields from high power. Pacemaker and assistive hearing device users should consult a physician prior to going near any plasma arc cutting and gouging procedures

Overall Plasma Safety

- The plasma arc cutting process can be quite safe.

- By having to pay focus on safety standards and properly establishing and operating the machine, plasma arc cutting poses forget about a threat than most welding processes.

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